Q. What is Give Local Midland?
Give Local Midland is a 24-hour online giving day featuring over 70 local nonprofits. Funds raised go directly to each nonprofit’s endowment fund held at the Midland Area Community Foundation, where the funds are invested to help with the long-term sustainability of participating nonprofits.
For the tenth consecutive year, the Midland Area Community Foundation is presenting Give Local Midland. Donations are accepted online at www.givelocalmidland.org.
Q. When does Give Local Midland take place?
Give Local Midland is set to take place on Tuesday, May 7th, 2024. The event lasts for 24 hours – from 12:00AM on May 7th to 11:59PM.
Q. Who decides which Midland County nonprofits can participate?
Each agency participating in Give Local Midland is either a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, city/county government, or a public school. As all funds raised during Give Local Midland go toward the respective agency’s endowment fund held at the Midland Area Community Foundation, the only requirement for participation (beyond serving Midland County residents) is having an endowment fund.
Q. Who can donate?
Anyone with a credit card and access to the internet can give by visiting www.givelocalmidland.org. Donations of cash/check will also be accepted on May 7th between 8am – 5pm at the Midland Area Community Foundation, located at 76 Ashman Circle in Midland via a drop box located inside the foyer in the back entrance of the building (the entrance closest to Cambridge St.).
Q. What forms of donations are accepted?
MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express donations are accepted on www.givelocalmidland.org. In addition, donations of cash/check will be accepted that are dropped off on May 7th between 8am – 5pm at the Midland Area Community Foundation, located at 76 Ashman Circle in Midland via a drop box located inside the foyer in the back entrance of the building (the entrance closest to Cambridge St.).
Q. Can I mail in a donation?
Yes, you can download print and complete this form indicating the organization(s), and donation amount(s), then write a single check for the total amount payable to “MACF.” Checks can be mailed to Midland Area Community Foundation, 76 Ashman Circle, Midland MI 48640.
Mailed donations must be postmarked by April 27. Any donations that are not postmarked by that date and arrive after May 7th will not be counted towards the match pool.
Q. Is my donation tax-deductible?
When donations are received through the website, a receipt is automatically generated for the gross amount of your gift and emailed to the address you provide. Your tax professional can advise you on the tax deductibility of the donation.
Q. Will I receive a receipt for tax purposes?
Yes. You will automatically receive an emailed receipt acknowledging your gift. There is also an option to receive a mailed receipt, simply check the appropriate box after entering your gift.
Q. Is there a minimum gift? Maximum?
There is a $5 minimum donation. There is no maximum, aside from what is controlled by your banking institution. If you plan to make a large donation, we recommend you notify your credit card company in advance to ensure your gift isn’t blocked by your card company’s fraud filters.
Q. May I pay a pledge with my gift?
We are unable to accept gifts to pay off existing pledges.
Q. Is there a match on my donation?
Yes. The Midland Area Community Foundation along with Donor Advised Fundholders are providing a matching pool of over $70,000. Each participating agency receives a proportionate share of the matching pool, based on how much they have raised in public donations.
Q. May I designate how a nonprofit uses my gift?
All donations made during Give Local Midland go directly to the nonprofit’s endowment fund. This year, due to COVID-19, organizations will be permitted to raise money for the spendable portion of their endowment funds, rather than contributions being allotted toward long-term investment. The match pool will go into the permanent portion of the fund. This allows nonprofits to have immediate access to their donated funds if they choose.
Q. Can I donate to multiple nonprofits during Give Local Midland?
Yes. After clicking the Donate button for one organization, click the "Add to cart" button. Then click the "Add another organization" button to add other organizations to your donation form. When you are finished adding donations, press the "Next" button to continue with the donation process. You may also choose to use the "Gift Basket" by clicking on the icon on an organization's profile page. The cart holds your selections while you explore more nonprofits and will automatically generate a multi-give donation form with all your donations at once when you are ready to check out by clicking again on the Gift Basket icon anywhere on the website.
Q. How much of the donation will go to the nonprofit?
This year, we’re giving you (the donor) the opportunity to cover processing fees. The Midland Area Community Foundation will cover any remaining processing fees, along with all other costs associated with the event, so 100% of your donation amount will go to the endowment fund(s) of the nonprofit(s) you choose.
Q. May I use my donation to buy event tickets, museum memberships, or other things that provide me a benefit?
No, donations may not be used to pay for anything that might be perceived as a material benefit to the donor, advisor or other disqualified person - including dinner tickets, membership fees, golf fees, admission tickets or other gifts.
Q. What if I can't find my favorite nonprofit on the website?
If you can't find them on the site, they may not be participating in the event this year, or they might not have an endowed fund with the Midland Area Community Foundation. Please have the nonprofit contact the Community Foundation to learn more about starting an endowed fund to build long term stability.
Q. Who is GiveGab?
GiveGab is an online giving platform that helps nonprofits raise money, engage donors, and manage volunteers quickly and efficiently. The Midland Area Community Foundation has hired GiveGab to provide us with a powerful, easy-to-use online donation platform for Give Local Midland.
Q. Do I need to create an account with GiveGab?
No. You do not need to create an account to make a donation. The benefits of creating an account include having your tax receipts collected in one location, being able to track your donations, follow the charities you support, and engage in future volunteering and donations. Your tax receipt is emailed immediately upon processing your donation. To claim a donation as a deduction on U.S. taxes, you should retain the donation receipt as an official record.
Q. When does nonprofit registration close?
Nonprofit registration closes on April 26.
Q. Who will receive my contact information?
The organization(s) you choose to support and the Midland Area Community Foundation will have access to your name and contact information as long as you have not selected to be anonymous. This information is used solely to send thank you messages, provide the option to receive future notifications, and to notify you of future activities. Your gift will be processed by the Midland Area Community Foundation.
Q. Can I make donations via a mobile device?
Yes! Simply visit www.givelocalmidland.org.